Networking for Revival

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The Better Place exists to network the Body of Christ for transformational revival to the end that we receive the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land! – 2 Chronicles 7:14
My prayer is not for [my current disciples] alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. – John 17:20-21
How good it is when God’s people come together in unity! For there God commands a blessing; even life everlasting. – Psalm 133

In 2019, we held a tent revival that proved very effective in touching lives of people who do not normally attend “normal” church. Many people were healed of physical ailments. Many people gave their lives to Christ and became part of the Church. This photo is of a prayer time following a message one evening.
The Chautauqua Lake Region Men of Integrity (CLMI) (networking-CLMI.html) brings men and boys from the region together in unity to help then strengthen their stand for Christ and his Kingdom
One in Christ (networking-One_in_Christ.html) plans, sponsors and hosts region-wide gatherings of worship, proclamation and prayer.
Women of Encouragement gather monthly for breakfast, worship, prayer and a speaker to mutually encourage each other in The Faith.

The Better Place Networks the Body of Christ to prayer-walk the city of Jamestown as well as in other town and villages. Typically, several people will gather at a designated time and place and then they will be subdivided into pairs or triplets who will walk and pray in an assigned area. These are some people who prayer-walked on a chilly spring morning. – God always seems to make appointments for these prayer-walkers as they have opportunity after opportunity to pray with people they meet along the way.

Most every year we organize a “prayer at the gates” where people gather in groups at primary north, south, east, and west entry routes to the city of Jamestown as well as to the county of Chautauqua. They pray for the city (or for the county) from these strategic locations. Pictured here is a group who prayed at the eastern “gate” to Jamestown on East Second Street.

We organize monthly “concerts of prayer” at various locations around the county of Chautauqua. Everyone present joins in singing that is led by a group of musicians from area churches. The singing is mixed with praying for particular topics that are introduced by area pastors. Following a little explanation; people get into small groups to pray until the Spirit tells the musicians it is time for the next song.