Agape Prayer Ministry School

The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He
has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners,
and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. – Luke 4:18-19
The Agape Prayer Ministry School
Sponsored and facilitated by The Better Place, and is held twice each year.
Purpose: The goal of the Agape Prayer Ministry School is to equip Christians to sensitively and compassionately minister the freedom of Christ from the bondages of sin and Satan, thus freeing more and more people to live in the fullness of Christ. The training experience includes foundational scriptural teachings on the healing of wounds, breaking of bondages, forgiveness of sins, confession of sin, receiving God’s forgiveness, and spiritual warfare. There are also three ministry sessions during the School where participants have the opportunity to observe and directly participate in the Agape ministry pattern.
Key Points of Preparation: All trainees must be born-again in Jesus Christ and be peacefully open to the full workings of the Holy Spirit.
Before attending, participants should read Healing for Damaged Emotions, by David Seamands. This book is available wherever good books are sold.
Description of the School: The School is an intense two-day experience running from 8:00 AM until 9:00 PM on Friday, and from 7:45 AM until 6:00 PM on Saturday. Please make every effort to arrive at the School in a rested condition. The dress in the School is casual and modest. Please bring your Bible and a notebook. Plan your schedule to be able to stay for the total School.
Teachers & Trainers: The people involved in teaching the sessions of the Agape Prayer Ministry School are pastors and lay people from various congregations of the Church, who have participated in and have been certified by the Agape ministry as supervising leads and teachers. They are recognized as qualified because of their gifting, experience, and their on-the-job training in a number of Agape Prayer Ministry Schools.
What is AGAPE Prayer Ministry?
AGAPE Prayer Ministry is a loving, healing ministry empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit. It is an organized thorough process in which a trained ministry team helps an individual discern the spiritual components of past experiences and present problems and behaviors.
A team of three persons will meet with you in an unhurried time of prayer and ministry. As the team talks and prays with you, they will be listening for the Holy Spirit to reveal spiritual roots and issues in your life. They will then help you to apply the truth in God’s Word to those areas, bringing you cleansing and healing.
Register for the Agape
Prayer Ministry School
A Registration Form may be printed from this site. With the registration you will also find some general information, a profile form and a daily schedule for the school.