Agape Prayer Ministry

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free…
– John 8:32-36
The Need for Spiritual and Emotional Healing
The Bible teaches that “the kingdom of God is…righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” [Rm. 14:17] Yet many Christians wonder why they continue to live defeated lives. They struggle to gain victory over specific sins and problems with relationships. They question their lack of spiritual growth.
In reality, most Christians carry around extra spiritual and emotional “baggage,” unaware of the weight which they are carrying. This baggage is usually the result of past hurts and other negative experiences.
God, however, sent His Son to purchase complete freedom for all believers! He desires your growth in Christ and has made every provision for your freedom, through the ministry of His Church. AGAPE Prayer Ministry can help us to experience the abundant life Jesus offers.
What is AGAPE Prayer Ministry?
AGAPE Prayer Ministry is a loving, healing ministry empowered and directed by the Holy Spirit. It is an organized thorough process in which a trained ministry team helps an individual discern the spiritual components of past experiences and present problems and behaviors.
A team of three persons will meet with you in an unhurried time of prayer and ministry. As the team talks and prays with you, they will be listening for the Holy Spirit to reveal spiritual roots and issues in your life. They will then help you to apply the truth in God’s Word to those areas, bringing you cleansing and healing.
This video helps to explain what to expect.
Follow Pat’s journy to healing and freedom through Agape Prayer Ministry.
For more information, visit
In the Chautauqua County/Cattaraugus County/Warren County region of far Western New York State and Pennsylvania
In the Chautauqua County/Cattaraugus County/Warren County region of far western New York state and Pennsylvania
Contact Charles Moore
at: 814-688-1760
Contact Roy Miler
at: 716-720-0028 or
If you simply wish to schedule a ministry in the far western region of NYS or Pennsylvania you may print an AGAPE Prayer Ministry request form from this web site, complete the form and mail it to the address indicated on the form.